Hija de una madre pianista de origin checo u de un padre egipcio, Myriam Mézières se crió en Francia en un orfelinato, pero en realidad considera que su verdadera patria es el mundo del espectáculo y de la música.
Myriam debuta en el cine con Alain Tanner. Trabaja con cineastas tan diversos como Mocky, Zulawski, Vecchiali, Lelouch, Boisset, C. Berri, U Schrader...
Pero son las películas "Una llama en mi corazón" que co-escribío con Alain Tanner (premio a lamejor actiz - festival de Houston) y "El diaro de lady M" (guionista y actriz) que Suiza presenta a los Oscares 1994 las que inician a su carrera international.
Con unavitalidad de animal instinctivo, se adapta a territorios tan diferentes como Alemania, N.Y., L.A. perso es principalmente en España donde concentrará su actividad cinematográfica y musical aprovechando todas las oportunidades que se le presentan para cantar, su auténtica pasión.
Crea dos espectáculos musicales "Extraña fruta" y "Carne y sueños" que entusiasmaron tanto a la crítica como al público quienes la denominaron "Reina del mestizaje". En el festival de Cannes 2000, Myriam está presente como actriz en "Krampack" película española de la "Semanade la crítica".
Mars 2001, rueda en Paris la película "Flores de Sangre" (guionista, actriz y co-directora). Y participa también en la banda sonora de la misma que incluye su canción "Ser una chica" y "Flores de Sangre".
Artículos de prensa
Alain Tanner was born in Geneva on the 6th of December 1929 and studied Economy at the University of Geneva. In 1951 he was one of the animators of the University filomotech of Geneva created by Claude Goretta. In 1955 he moved to London and worked at the British Film institute. In 1957 he directed his first film with Claude Goretta, Picadily la nuit .(Nice time) Between 1957 and 1960 he went back to Switzerland where he made several movies and documentaries for T.V. In 1962 he co-directed the Swiss directors Guild. In 1969 he directed his first long feature "Charles dead or alive".
Pam, a fourteen year old child-woman has just killed her first lover , a much older man. This event takes us back five years when Pam was nine years old and is the protector and tender accomplice of her mother Lily who she accompanies to cabarets where lily gives a very special performance, turning the banality of erotic scenes into real art.
Lily is an extravagant, unpredictable naive woman who has changed magic into a way of life, unaware that she is allowing brutality to penetrate the young consciousness of her daughter ; The child does not know her father, does not go to school but somehow has learnt to read a dictionary.
Lily and Pam are everything one for the other. They are a unique couple. Two lives running between the abundance of Lily's occasional lovers and escapes from hotels they can't pay. The day lily is deprived of her daughter's custody her whole world of dreams, emotions, and glamour collapses and she starts sinking into hell.
"Flowers of Blood" wants to be as shimmering as an oriental silk and as bitter as the fragrance left on your fingers by the poppies. These "Flowers of Blood" would rather die than be picked ; like our two
heroines, Lily and Pam. Two flowers of the same blood which grow under the same sun of rebellion.
Beautiful-Rebels-Not exactly criminals.
From the beginning I was aware that the "story" "Flowers of Blood" tells should not be sized by the cold eye of an objective camera. That I should not be allowed to kill that part of juvenile and rebellious energy that remained in me, but that I should on the contrary violently claim the badness.....the cruelty of parenthood which relates (guts and soul) to the story. Here it is ! Crude images, sometimes contrasting with baroque or lyrical visions. This was the only way to portray the characters who are maybe a bit out of the ordinary, but are also strangely weak and human.
The singularity of this film is also the fact that it is co-directed. How would two different personalities, having different ways of understanding reality be able to make a fusion which would bring the film its unity. ? This challenge was overcome because a common energy has brushed away lots of ego and problems.
"Flowers of Blood" is the meeting of two artists, very different but also curiously complementary . It's producers (Alain Tanner, Paulo Branco and Marta Esteban) "fresh" enough to understand that they could size the opportunity and make a little but dense object which might shine a strange and intense light.